
Tuesday, 23 April 2019

Computer Science Links To Study For GATE, NET, SET and Assistant professor, degree college lecturers etc..

computer organization
fuzzy logic:

computer networks

Compiler design
1. Page table, TLB is stored in MMU(memory management unit)
2. Little endian --lower byte in lower address
3. interface is a processing unit and contains buffer
4. physical memory is always divided into frames
cache is divided into blocks
virtual memory is divided into pages
page and frame size should be same
5. cache is made up of static RAM (Flip Flops and transistors),
RAM is made up of    DRAM (capacitors and transistors)
looping variable can be kept in cache.
6.  instruction fetch is divided into instruction decode, operand fetch
in instruction fetch cycle --
address of next instruction is stored in PC. PC is only connected to internal bus.
so the contents of PC are transferred to MAR( MAR is connected to internal and external bus) and PC is incremented
the address in MAR is fetched in main memory and data at that address is stored in MDR.
data in MDR is decoded and transferred to IR

7. the instruction to which you will go after jump instruction is called branch target
I1 is stored in 1000 address and I2 stored in 1001 and so on
when I1 is executing PC will contain 1001
if I1 is JMP 3(PC) then PC will contain 1001+3 = 1004 so after I1 and I4 instruction at 1004 will be executed.
8. flag register in 8085 or 8086 is 8 bit register ===sign flag (set when result is -ve), zero flag,parity flag, carry flag, overflow flag (if carry in and carry out is different)
9. CALL will push the value of PC onto stack (ex: PC will store the address of next instruction in main() after the function call)
RET will pop the value of PC in subroutine call
10. the assembler stores the names of identifiers and their values in symbol table.
11. Bus configuration techniques 
Inorder for CPU to communicate to MM or I/O using common system bus is
we can use seperate control signals (MRD, IORD, MWR,IOWR) =called I/O mapped devices so CPU sends control signal on control lines and address on address line requiring less address lines than memory mapped I/O
we can use different address for memory and I/O = called Memory mapped I/O
CPU can maintain separate bus for MM and for I/O == called isolated I/O

12. Different ways to access I/O devices:
1. Program controlled I/O: here the CPU continuously checks the status flag of I/O interface (POLLING). Once the status flag becomes zero then the input is available. VERY SLOW AND WASTE
2. Interrupt Driven I/O : CPU has INTR and INTA part of control lines to receive and acknowledge interrupt signals. once status flag becomes zero, I/O interface interrupts CPU after every 4bytes.
For example: if data has to be transferred from Hard disk to main memory. Hard disk will send 4 bytes of data to I/O interface. Then I/O interface interrupts the CPU as the data to be transferred is available in I/O interface.CPU will initiate transfer of data from I/O interface to MM. this repeats for every 4 bytes

Using Daisy chaining using single interrupt line CPU can service n different I/O devices.
3. Direct Memory Access: FASTER.
DMA is a device conntected to DMA controller/interface that transfer data a block of memory mostly 512 bytes transfer from hard disk to main memory
For example: if data has to be transferred from Hard disk to main memory.CPU will tell DMA that u need to transfer 1 KB of data from HDD to main memory initially. After transferring 1KB DMA interrupts CPU

DMA controller/interface has address register, counter register and buffer register. CPU will put the address of HDD (starting address of data to be transferred) in address register. and number of bytes to be transferred in count register

Using system call or software interrupt we can change the CPU from user mode to kernel mode

how the processor ignore other interrupts when processor is servicing an interrupt
Turn off  the interrupt request line if the interrupt is maskable(RST 5.5,6.5,7.5 in 8085)
disable the devices from sending interrupts
by using edge triggered request lines

Saturday, 20 April 2019

Uva Online Judge - 927 Integer Sequences from Addition of Terms - Solution in Python

for i in range(1,n+1):
    c=[int(s) for s in st.split(" ")]
            for j in range(1,len(c)):

This post is contributed by 
G. Rama Krishna Srinivas, M.Tech
Asst.Prof, KLUniversity.

Monday, 15 April 2019

Degree college lecturers paper1 links

Political, and Legal implications/problems.

General Science and it applications to the day to day life Contemporary
developments in Science & Technology and information Technology

Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection

Disaster management: vulnerability profile, prevention and
mitigation strategies

Physical geography of Indian sub-continent and Andhra Pradesh.

Economic development in India since independence with emphasis on Andhra

Indian polity and governance: constitutional issues, public policy, reforms and
e-governance initiatives with specific reference to Andhra Pradesh.

Sustainable development:
how we can have good economic development without effecting quality of environment

sustainable development: the use of present day resources such that they are available to future generation

two issues
deteriotion caused by pollution
poverty induced degradation of environment

environment is sum total resources (biotic and abiotic resources or living or non living resources)

this environment has 4 major
1. supplies renewable and non renewable resources
2. assimilate waste
3. sustain life- genetic and bio diversity
4. provides aesthetic services.

economic development and environment must go side by side
united nations conference on environment and development (UNCED)
defined sustainable development as development that meets the need of the present generation without compromising the ability of the future generation to meet their own needs

Electronic data interchange and E commerce MCQ

1. EDI standards are
(a) not universally available
(b) essential for B2B commerce
(c) not required for B2B commerce
(d) still being evolved
Ans.: b
2. EDI requires
(a) representation of common business documents in computer readable forms
(b) data entry operators by receivers
(c) special value added networks
(d) special hardware at co-operating Business premises
Ans.: a
3.  By Electronic Commerce we mean:
(a) Commerce of electronic goods
(b) Commerce which depends on electronics
(c) Commerce which is based on the use of internet
(d) Commerce which is based on transactions using computers connected by telecommunication network
Ans.: d
4. For carrying out B2B e-Commerce the following infrastructure is essential:
(ii) Corporate network
(iii) Electronic Data Interchange standards
(iv) Secure Payment Services
(v)Secure electronic communication link connecting businesses

5. For carrying out B2C e-Commerce the following infrastructure is essential
(i) World Wide Web
(ii) Corporate network
(iii) Electronic Data Interchange standards
(iv) Secure Payment Services
(v) Secure electronic communication link connecting businesses
(a) i, iv
(b) i, iii, iv
(c) ii, iii
(d) i, ii, iii, iv
Ans.: a

6. Electronic Data Interchange Software consists of the following four layers:
  1. Business application, Internal format conversion, Network translator, EDI envelop
  2. Business application, Internal format conversion, EDI translator, EDI envelop
  3. Application layer, Transport layer, EDI translator, EDI envelop
  4. Application layer, Transport layer, IP layer, EDI envelop 
Ans: B
These 4 layers of EDI software allow the exchange of documents between 2 organizations over a VAN (value added network)

7. The document standards for EDI were first developed by large business house during the 1970s and are now under the control of the following standard organization.
  1. ISO
  2. ANSI
  3. ITU-T
  4. IEEE
 Ans: ANSI
EDI service provider maintains a VAN and establishes mailboxes for each business partner in EDI. The provider stores and forwards EDI messages between these partners. All the parties involved in EDI transaction must use an agreed set of document layout and format.

8. Which e-business model allows consumers to name their own price for products and services ? 
  Ans: D

C2B model, also called a reverse auction or demand collection model, enables buyers to name or demand their own price, which is often binding, for a specific good or service. The website collects the demand bids then offers the bids to participating sellers.
C2C, or customer-to-customer, or consumer-to-consumer, is a business model that facilitates the transaction of products or services between customers. It is one of four categories of e-commerce, along with B2B (business to business), C2B (customer to business) and B2C (business to customer)
B2B and B2G has nothing to concern about consumer price setting

 9. E-commerce involves:
(A) Electronic Data Interchange      
(B) Electronic mail
(C) Electronic Bulletin Boards         
(D) All of the above

10. Which is the most valuable electronic commerce to the individual customer in long run ?
  1. Business to Customer
  2. Business to Business
  3. Customer to Customer
  4. None of the above
 Ans: A

11. The principal electronic payment systems for electronic commerce is
  1. Credit Card
  2. Digital Wallet
  3. Electronic Cheque
  4. All of the above 
ans is D all
Some of the modes of electronic payments are following.
  • Credit Card
  • Debit Card
  • Smart Card
  • E-Money
  • Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT)
  • Digital Wallet
  • E-cash
  • E-cheque

 12. "M-Commerce" refers to
  1. A myth which does not exist in reality
  2. The ability of business to reach potential customers wherever they are
  3. The ability to have large capacity of memory storage dealing trade and commerce
  4. None of the above
  Ans is B 
M-commerce (mobile commerce) is the buying and selling of goods and services through wireless handheld devices such as cellular telephone and personal digital assistants (PDAs). Known as next-generation e-commercem-commerce enables users to access the Internet without needing to find a place to plug in. The emerging technology behind m-commerce, which is based on the Wireless Application Protocol (WAP), has made far greater strides in Europe, where mobile devices equipped with Web-ready micro-browsers are much more common than in the United States.
 13. E-Choupal refers to
  1. Calling meeting of Surpanches electronically.
  2. Conducting Panchayat meeting using latest electronic gadgets.
  3. Providing window of information to villagers and farmers in NIC network.
  4. None of the above
Ans is C  
e-Choupal is an initiative of ITC Limited, a conglomerate in Indiato link directly with rural farmers via the Internet for procurement of agricultural and aquaculture products like soybeans, wheat, coffee, and prawns. e-Choupal tackles the challenges posed by Indian agriculture, characterized by fragmented farms, weak infrastructure and the involvement of intermediaries. The programme installs computers with Internet access in rural areas of India to offer farmers up-to-date marketing and agricultural information.
 14. The mercantile process model consists of the following phase(s):
(A) The pre-purchase phase.
(B) Purchase consummation phase.
(C) Post-purchase Interaction phase.
(D) All of the above.
Ans: D All of the Above.
15. E-Commerce is not suitable for

(A) Sale/Purchase of expensive jewellery and antiques.
(B) Sale/Purchase of mobile phones.
(C) Sale/Purchase of branded clothes.
(D) Online job searching.
Ans: D Online job searching 

16. comes under the following model
(A) B2B (B) B2C
(C) C2C (D) C2B
Ans: B B2C

17. The mercantile process model consists of the following pahase(s):
(A) The pre-purchase phase.
(B) Purchase consummation phase.
(C) Post-purchase Interaction phase.
(D) All of the above.
Ans: D All of the Above.

18. Multimedia contents are important to e-business applications.
19. Home Banking is an example of consumer oriented applications
20. Electronic checks is a part of e-token. When giving e-token some authorizing
co. verifies that the no. is active i.e. its run by Certifying authority
(CA),Verifying Authority(VA) & Digital Signature(DS).