#include <stdio.h> #include <stdlib.h> struct Q { int data; struct Q *next; }; void enq(struct Q **,struct Q **); void deq(struct Q **, struct Q **); void display(struct Q *,struct Q *); main() { struct Q *front =NULL, *rear=NULL; int n,i; printf("enter the number of elements"); scanf("%d",&n); for(i=1;i<=n;i++) enq(&front,&rear); display(front,rear); deq(&front,&rear); printf("\n After deleting one element\n"); display(front,rear); } void enq(struct Q **front,struct Q **rear) { int val; struct Q *newnode =(struct Q *)malloc(sizeof(struct Q)); printf("enter a value"); scanf("%d",&val); newnode->data=val; newnode->next=NULL; if(*front == NULL ) *front = *rear = newnode; else { (*rear)->next=newnode; *rear=newnode; } } void display(struct Q *front,struct Q *rear) { if(front == NULL) printf("queue empty"); else { while(front != NULL) { printf("%d->",front->data); front=front->next; } } } void deq(struct Q **front, struct Q **rear) { if(*front == NULL) printf("queue is empty"); else { if(*front == *rear) *front = *rear = NULL; else *front=(*front)->next; } }
(maintained by Lakshmi Sarvani Videla, Former Assistant Professor, KLEF and now Computer Science Lecturer, SRR and CVR Government Degree College, Vijayawada
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