
Saturday, 13 April 2019

Computer Organization Questions in Degree college lecturers

1. How many ‘1’s are there in the result produced by 8-bit 2’s complement addition of 29 and -46?
Ans: 7
2. Consider a hard disk containing 1000cylinders, 10 platters each with 2 recording surfaces and 63 sectors per track. What is the position of the sector whose 3-D disk address is <200,15,55> representing cylinder, surface, sector numbers respectively.
Ans: 253000
3. Consider implementation of a Boolean function of n variables using only one multiplexer and one inverter. the minimal size of multiplexer required is
Ans: 2n-1 to 1
4. How many 64Kx1RAM chips are required to provide a memory of size 256K bytes?
Ans: 32
5. The number of full and half adders required to add 16- bit number is
Ans: . 1 half adder , 15 full adders
6. The micro-operation that performs division of a signed binary integer by 2 is ____
Ans: arithmetic shift right
7. When a cache memory is 30 times faster than main memory/RAM and cache hit ratio is 90%, the speed up gained using the cache is approximately ______
Ans: 27 times
8. The simplified SOP(Sum of Products) form of the boolean expression (P+Q'+R').(P+Q'+R).(P+Q+R') is
Ans: ( P + Q'. R')
9. Which of the following is NOT a method used for data transfer between peripherals and memory?
1. Programmed I/O
2. Pipelining
3. Direct Memory Access
4. Interrupt initiated I/O

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