
Saturday, 4 April 2020

Hashing Using Linear Probing : Java Program

Algorithm to insert a value in linear probing


Hashtable is an array of size = TABLE_SIZE

Step 1: Read the value to be inserted, x

Step 2:  let i = 0

Step 3 :compute the index at which the x has to be inserted in hash table

                index = (x+ i) % TABLE_SIZE

Step 4: if there is no element at that index then  insert the value at index and STOP

Step 5: If there is already an element at that index

                step 4.1: i = i+1

step 6:  if i < TABLE_SIZE then go to step 3

Algorithm to search a value in linear probing


Hashtable is an array of size = TABLE_SIZE

Step 1: Read the value to be searched, x

Step 2:  let i = 0

Step 3: compute the index at which the x can be found
               index = (x+ i) % TABLE_SIZE

Step 4: if the element at that index is same as the search value then print element found and  STOP

Step 5: else

                step 5.1: i = i+1

step 6:  if i < TABLE_SIZE then go to step 3


Linear Probing program

import java.util.Scanner;


public class LinearProbing


      int htable[],tableSize;

      public void insert(int x)


            int i;



                  int index=(x+i)%tableSize;

                  if(htable[index] == -1)






            if(i == tableSize)

                  System.out.println("cannot insert as table is full");


      public void display()


            System.out.println("hash table entries are");

            for(int i=0;i<tableSize;i++)


               System.out.println("element at index "+i+" is " +htable[i]);



      public void search(int x)


            int i;



                  int index=(x+i)%tableSize;

                  if(htable[index] == x)


                        System.out.println("Search found at index "+index);




            if(i == tableSize)

                  System.out.println("Search element not found");


      public static void main(String[] args)


            LinearProbing ob =new LinearProbing();

            Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

            System.out.println("enter size of the table");


            ob.htable=new int[ob.tableSize];

            for(int i=0;i<ob.tableSize;i++)




              System.out.println("1. insert 2. display 3. search 4. exit");

                  int choice=sc.nextInt();



                  case 1:

                        System.out.println("enter key to be inserted");




                  case 2:



                  case 3:

                        System.out.println("enter key to be searched");




                  case 4: return;









enter size of the table
press 1. insert 2. display 3. search 4. exit
enter key to be inserted
press 1. insert 2. display 3. search 4. exit
enter key to be inserted
press 1. insert 2. display 3. search 4. exit
enter key to be inserted
press 1. insert 2. display 3. search 4. exit
enter key to be inserted
press 1. insert 2. display 3. search 4. exit
hash table entries are
element at index 0 is -1
element at index 1 is -1
element at index 2 is 12
element at index 3 is 13
element at index 4 is 14
element at index 5 is 22
element at index 6 is -1
element at index 7 is -1
element at index 8 is -1
element at index 9 is -1
press 1. insert 2. display 3. search 4. exit
enter key to be searched
Search element found at index 5
press 1. insert 2. display 3. search 4. exit


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