Windows Programming MCQs
1. ________ enables one to explore the resources of Windows:
a. API
b. CPP
c. MFC
d. ATL
2. Which application we will use to make program more portable:
a. WindowsAPI
b. WindowApp
c. MFC
d. None of these
3. The Win32API supports:
a. 16-bit Windows
b. 32-bit Windows
c. 64-bit Windows
d. All of these
4. Win32Program utilizes a central function called:
a. Main
b. App
c. WinMain
d. None of these
5. The arguments of the WinMain() function are mandatory and it communicate with:
a. Operating System
b. Hardware
c. Kernel
d. None of these
6. Which is the parameter of the WinMain():
a. HInstance
b. hPrecInstance
c. LPSTR lpCmdLine
d. Int nCmdShow
e. All of these
7. Which is used to install and configure the service application:
a. Administration and Management
b. Networking
c. Archie
d. Gopher
8. ______ is done by pressing the restart button while the computer is on:
a. Cold boot
b. Warm boot
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
9. ______ is done by pressing the power switch when it is turned off:
a. Cold boot
b. Warm boot
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
10. What is the full form of BIOS-ROM:
a. Basic Input Output System – Read Only Memory
b. Binary Input Output System – Read Only Memory
c. Binary Input Output System – Random Only Memory
d. Basic Input Output System – Random Only Memory
11. VRML stands for:
a. Virtual Reality Model Language
b. Virtual Reality Modeling Language
c. Virtual Read-only Modeling Language
d. Virtual Reality Mode Language
12. HTML stands for:
a. Hyper Text Meta Language
b. High Text Markup Language
c. Hyper Text Markup Language
d. High Test Markup Language
13. WPF stands for:
a. Windows Presentation Function
b. Windows Presentation Foundation
c. Windows Procedure Foundation
d. None of these
14. WCF stands for:
a. Windows Computer Foundation
b. Windows Communication Foundation
c. Windows Central Foundation
d. None of these
15. RPC stands for:
a. Remote Presentation Call
b. Radio Presentation Call
c. Remote Procedure Call
d. None of these
16. SNMP stands for:
a. Secure Network Management Protocol
b. Simple Network Management Protocol
c. Secured Network Management Procedure
d. Simple Network Management Procedure
17. HTTP stand for:
a. Hyper Text Tele Protocol
b. Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
c. Hyper Text Transfer Procedure
d. Hyper Tele Transfer Procedure
18. FTP stands for:
a. File Transaction Protocol
b. File Transfer Protocol
c. Format Transfer Protocol
d. Formal Transfer Protocol
19. DNS stands for:
a. Domain Network System
b. Domain Name System
c. Data Name System
d. Data Name Service
20. BITS stands for:
a. Binary Intelligent Transfer Service
b. Background Intelligent Transfer Service
c. Background Integrated Transfer Service
d. Binary Integrated Text Service
21. WWW stands for:
a. World Web Wide
b. World Wide Web
c. Web Wide World
d. None of These
22. XML stands for:
a. eXtensible Markup Language
b. eXtra Markup Language
c. eXtensible Mode Language
d. None of these
23. URI stands for:
a. Universal Resource Identifier
b. Uniform Resource Identifier
c. Uniform Resource Identification
d. Universal Resource Identification
24. TCP/IP stands for:
a. Transfer Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
b. Transmission Control Protocol / Internet Protocol
c. Transfer Configuration Protocol / Internet Protocol
d. None of these
25. CSP stands for:
a. Cryptographic System Provider
b. Cryptographic Service Providers
c. Computer Service Provider
d. Cryptographic Service Protocol
26. _________ is a standard by which internet names are translated to their corresponding IP addresses:
a. DSP
b. DSW
c. DNS
d. DLL
27. ________ is supported by TCP/IP client accessing Web document on Web server:
a. Web Browsers
b. Operating System
c. Windows
d. None of these
28. What is return type of InitInstance:
a. bool
b. int
c. char
d. double
29. In Win32 which function is used to create application:
a. WinMain
b. WinApp
c. WinAPI
d. None of these
30. Security protects the data from:
a. Authorized accessing
b. Unauthorized accessing
c. Administrator accessing
d. None of these
31. Which function handle the key container:
a. CryptoAPI
b. CryptAcquireContext
d. CryptoGraphics
32. The MFC library is a predefined set of:
a. Data types
b. Function
c. Classes
d. Constant
e. All of these
33. Which class is used to display something on screen:
a. CWinApp
b. MFC
c. CWinAPI
d. None of these
34. Which function is provide by CWinApp to display something on screen:
a. Start()
b. Load()
c. Close()
d. InitApplication()
35. Where the fundamental classes of MFC are declared:
a. afxwin.h
b. include.h
c. graphics.h
d. conio.h
36. What is included by frame of window:
a. Location
b. Dimension
c. Borders
d. All of these
37. Which class is used by MFC to create the frame:
a. CMainFrame
b. CFrameWnd
c. CMainWnd
d. None of these
38. Which class is used to create a Window frame:
a. CFrameWnd
b. CMainFrame
c. CMainWnd
d. None of these
39. Which function is associated with window frame:
a. InitApp()
b. Stop()
c. Destroy()
d. Create()
40. Which is the base class of CWinApp:
a. CWinThread
b. CWin
c. CWin_Tread
d. CThread
41. Which function is called to display the frame in resultant window:
a. CloseWindow()
b. ShowWindow()
c. DeleteWindow()
d. None of these
42. Which file is required to export the DLL function:
a. A.def
b. A.dll
c. A.exe
d. None of these
43. Which function is used to create DLL files:****
a. DllMain
b. DefMain
c. Main
d. Void_main
44. Which keyword is used to declare the variable and function to specify the external link:
a. extern
b. void
c. this
d. new
45. Which macro is used to handle the command message:
46. Which class is used to handle the windows message and control notification:
a. CWnd
b. CFrameWnd
c. CMDIFrameWnd
d. CView
47. Which classes are included by CWnd class:
a. CFrameWnd
b. CMDIFrameWnd
c. CView
d. CMDIChildWnd
e. All of these
48. MVC stands for:
a. Model View Controller
49. Which key events are identified by wParam:
a. Shift
b. Ctrl
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
50. Which class is provided by MFC library:
a. CScrollView
b. CView
c. CFrame
d. None of these
51. Web browser can access:
a. Client computer
b. Application Programs
c. Web Pages
d. All of these
52. Which protocol is supported by web browser:
b. IP
c. TCP
d. All of these
53. A browser can support:
a. Hyper Text
b. Images
c. Sound Files
d. Flash Animations
e. All of these
54. Security is implemented by:
a. Crypto API
b. Cryptographic Service Providers
d. All of these
55. Security protects data from:
a. Fire
b. Flood
c. Unauthorized access
d. Authenticated user
56. CSP contains a key that is stored in….
a. Web Browser
b. Text files
c. Encrypted files
d. Key Database
57. The parameters for Create() function are:
a. LPCTSTR lpszClassName
b. LPCTSTR lpszWindowName
c. DWORD dwStyle
d. lpszMenuName
e. All of these
58. Which function is essential for DLL files:
a. DllMain
b. DefMain
c. VoidMain
d. Main
59. Parameter contains:
a. ID
b. wParam
c. lParam
d. All of these
60. Which is the Scroll message handler:
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
61. Which is the base class for Bitmap:
a. CBitmap
b. CView
c. CScrollView
d. None of these
62. Which function load bitmap image into CBitmap object:
a. LoadBitmapW
b. StartBitmap
c. DeleteBitmap
d. None of these
63. Which function is used to get size of scrolls:
a. GetDeviceScrollSizes()
64. Which is the parent of all MFC view classes:
a. CDocView
b. CTableView
c. CScrollView
d. CView
65. The nMapMode argument holds a mapping mode that is:
e. All of these
66. _______ handles the connections from client and can provide several independent screens:
a. Client
b. Server
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
67. What is required to provide the control for X server:
a. Client’s hostname
b. IP address
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
68. By which program we can manipulate the access control list:
a. Xhost
b. Xhost+hostname
c. Xhost-hostname
d. None of these
69. We can add a host to the list with:
a. Xhost
b. Xhost+hostname
c. Xhost-hostname
d. None of these
70. We can remove host from the list with:
a. Xhost
b. Xhost+hostname
c. Xhost-hostname
d. None of these
71. DECNET stands for:
a. Digital Equipment Corporation Networking
72. X contains:
a. X Protocol
b. X Display Server
c. X Client
d. Xlib routines
e. All of these
73. X was developed to create a platform-independent network-based:
a. A complete OS
b. Graphical User environment
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
74. The X window protocol has the server that provides the ________ windowing mechanism:
a. Advance basic
b. Advance
c. Basic
d. None of these
75. Server handles the connections from ________ and can provides several independent screens:
a. Other servers
b. Clients
c. Internet
d. None of these
76. The function of the X Window is:
a. Establish a connection with the X server
b. Create a window
c. Create X resources
d. Wait, detect and perform event
e. All of these
77. The X windows system is GUI and is entirely based on:
a. Microsoft Windows
b. Macintosh Operating System
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
78. The X-Term terminal emulator and the user interface that supports:
a. Window
b. Mouse
c. Keyboard
d. All of these
79. It is used to listen to the network connections at a specific port is called:
a. X Client
b. X Server
c. X Window
d. X application
80. X Server supports:
a. Single Window Mode
b. Multiple Window Mode
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
81. Which network protocol is supported by X:
d. All of these
82. Which variable is used to determine where the x server is located:
a. Display
b. Search
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
83. What is the name of function that is added for WM_KEYDOWN:
a. OnKeyDown
b. OnKeyUp
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
84. Which is the parameters / arguments of OnKeyDown function:
a. nChar
b. nRepCnt
c. nFlags
d. All of these
85. Which function is used to set cursor:
a. SetCursor
86. In OnKeyDown which argument represent the number of times of key pressing:
a. nChar
b. nRepCnt
c. nFlags
d. None of these
87. Which argument keeps a combination flag that checks whether key is being pressed at the same time with the other keys:
a. nChar
b. nRepCnt
c. nFlags
d. None of these
88. The Class Wizard is use function for WM_SETCURSOR message:
a. OnSetCursor
89. To register your own window class containing the desired mouse pointer by using:
a. AfxRegisterClass()
b. AfxRegisterWndClass()
c. Both a and b
d. None of these
90. Which class refers to the co-ordination point of screen:
a. CPoint
91. In which namespace cursor are stored:
a. Cursor namespace
92. Which is the property of the panel control:
a. Location
b. Size
c. Border Style
d. Cursor
e. All of these
93. Which is the protective mechanism that lies between the computer network and the Internet to protect from malfunctions and network-based security threats:
a. Firewall
b. Archie
c. Finger
d. Active attacks
94. Which indicator represents the position of the mouse on a screen:
a. Cursor
b. Mouse
c. Keyboard
d. None of these
95. Which program is used for searches files anywhere on the network by the filename:
a. Archie
b. Firewall
c. Finger
d. Active attacks
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